6 Easy Steps

For Managing A Healthy Lifestyle

By Maryam Rastkerdar

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It’s important to have fun, to realize that life is too short to constantly be worrying about “what could have been,” to engage in fun activities, and to move toward what the future has to offer. Living a healthy lifestyle is a combination of all of those things and sometimes involves implementing changes, and making an effort to live a positive and well-balanced life. But overall lifestyle changes take time. It is important to take gradual and progressive strides toward improving your overall health and total wellness. And if you are able to do nothing else, always believe in yourself. It is a powerful tool that will lead to confidence and a happier state of mind.

Weave these tips into your 2016 regimen for feeling as good as you deserve. You have more control than you think.

  1. Super Foods HealthyAdopt a well-balanced diet

Eating well and regularly is the key to overall heath, including our mental well-being. A healthy lifestyle involves many choices. Incorporating a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and brain-boosting food helps us avoid nutritional deficiencies. Another key factor in healthy diet is moderation. Strive to feel satisfied at the end of a meal, not stuffed.

  1. Incorporate healthy fats

Saturated fat increases total cholesterol and LDL and may even increase the risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Meat, seafood and dairy products are sources of saturated fat. On the other hand, consuming polyunsaturated fats can actually lower total cholesterol levels. These are found in nuts, fatty fish, and vegetable oils such as safflower oil. This category encompasses omega-3 fatty acids, which are known as essential fatty acids (EFAs) and are provided through food since our bodies can’t make them.

  1. Control sodium

Limiting sodium is challenging in a world full of fast food, pre-packaged food and salty snacks. Cooking at home and inspecting canned-food labels will help limit the sodium excess, which can cause the body to retain water and may lead to high blood pressure. (High blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease and stroke.) According to the American Heart Association, the best approach for maintaining cardiovascular health is by limiting sodium consumption to 1500 mg/ day.

  1. Get active

The benefits of regular exercise extend far beyond weight management…it is an essential part of boosting energy ; maintaining a healthy heart and avoiding many chronic disease states such as type 2- diabetes. A moderate intensity cardio workout session of 150 min./week has been proven to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease; improve self-esteem, sleep quality, and reduce stress; and ease depressive symptoms. It is safe to say that implementing regular physical activity improves the overall quality of life.

  1. Get adequate sleep

We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, but few of us actually make those eight hours a priority. To further complicate matters, stimulants like coffee, energy drinks and external lights (including electronic devices) interfere with our circadian rhythm.  Sleep needs vary across ages and are especially impacted by lifestyle and health.  Adequate sleep is a necessity for our overall well-being as well as performing well in school and at work. Another important factor is the timing of sleep that affects a number of endocrine and neurological functions that are critical to the maintenance of overall health.

  1. Reduce stress

Controlling stress is another method for creating a healthy lifestyle. Like sleep deprivation, high levels of stress activate the release of cortisol, which is a life-sustaining hormone essential for body’s homeostasis. Also called the “stress hormone,” cortisol regulates many of the changes that occur in the body including blood sugar levels, blood pressure, immune responses and anti-inflammatory actions, to name a few. Controlling daily stress includes identifying the underlying causes and creating steps to reduce stress levels. One method could be performing deep-breathing techniques when stress levels are intensified. Yoga can be an outlet for release of stress and relaxation from a stress-filled life.

6 Easy Steps For Managing A Healthy Lifestyle.